Yak Communications
Yak communications is an idealistic communications company intending to aggressively compete for market share in Australia. With a disruptive intention to unite a network that has been left fragmented through several companies clambering over a large land mass, overlaying networks, resulting in network black spots with disastrous possibilities. Included in the target demographic are regional areas largely affected by these problems as well as homes and business owners.
While the company offers both service and hardware in consolidated packages, the required mark needed to cater for those who still choose certain services that are separated into three main categories: phone, mobile, internet.

Yak being a slang term used in Australia and other parts of the world meaning to talk continuously. However the Yak is also the animal used to send messages through China to the Middle-East via the ancient trade route, the Silk Road. This network was one of the most complex communication networks of the ancient world.

The Guillemet also referred to as angled quotes, are poly-lines pointed like arrows, forming a complementary set of punctuation marks used as a form of quotation marks. These symbols are used in a number of languages to indicate speech within a body of text.